Jean Jones, Marketing Manager, introduces The Howard Company's 35 Things You Can Do Now guide.
Our professionals have been talking to people all over the country, and we have heard some amazing ideas on things restaurants and other businesses can do to impact their business now and in the future.
Need some cash generating ideas? Think about gift cards.
Do you see deficiencies or things you can improve in your operations? Is it time to up your drive-thru or curbside pick-up game?
Got time on your hands? How about some deep cleaning and refurbishing.
Do you have ideas that you never had time to work on? Also, see what others are doing, and do the groundwork now.
Whether business is slower or you just have more time on your hands because you are sheltered in place, this is a perfect time to work on your business.
1375 N Barker Road
Brookfield, WI 53045