Gary Kurtz, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, talks about design within digital signage including its purpose, the deployment, and the setting.
Digital Signage Vlog 3: Design with Digital Signage
February 11, 2020 / by Gary Kurtz posted in Digital, Vlog, Gary Kurtz
Digital Signage Vlog 2: Content with Digital Signage
January 23, 2020 / by Gary Kurtz posted in Digital, Vlog, Gary Kurtz
Gary Kurtz, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, discusses content, one of the essential elements of digital signage.
Digital Signage Vlog 1: Business Consideration with Digital Signage
December 10, 2019 / by Gary Kurtz posted in Digital, Vlog, Gary Kurtz
Gary Kurtz, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, explains the first steps in considering a digital signage program for your business.
If you have any questions you would like Gary to answer in a future vlog, please submit them in the comments box below.
Gary Kurtz Kicks Off a Vlog Series
November 26, 2019 / by Gary Kurtz posted in Digital, Vlog, Gary Kurtz
Gary Kurtz, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, is kicking off a series of vlogs regarding digital signage. This is the first in an eight-part series.
If you have any questions you would like Gary to answer in a future vlog, please submit them in the comments box below.