The Howard Company's Blog

How Much Does a Drive-Thru Cost?

January 25, 2023 / by Jean Jones posted in Drive-Thru, Gary Kurtz



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Non-Traditional Drive-Thrus Popping Up Everywhere

November 3, 2021 / by Jean Jones posted in Drive-Thru, Convenience Stores, Restaurants, Expert Insights, Jean Jones


Imagine the typical drive-thru restaurant layout - a box on a busy street, perhaps on a corner, an entry and exit driveway, a marked out drive-thru lane wrapping around the building, with the menu board towards the back and the payment and pick-up windows on the side. Next, imagine the typical drive-thru restaurant type - a QSR or a coffee shop. Now imagine that these descriptions do not fit your business. Drive-thrus are popping up in more and more places, in what a few years ago would have been considered very unconventional. Here are some examples:

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Jim Reeder: The Benefits of Adding Presell Boards

August 5, 2021 / by Jim Reeder posted in Drive-Thru, Jim Reeder, Drive-Thru Accessories, Expert Insights


The Howard Company did a social media survey that asked the question, 'Before entering a restaurant's drive-thru, how often do you know your exact order?' The answer options were 'Always, Sometimes, Rarely, and Never.' With 51 total participants, 37 individuals (73%) voted 'Sometimes, Rarely, or Never,' and only 14 individuals (27%) voted 'Always.'

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Grant Gustke: Static to Digital on the Drive-Thru Flex Menu Board

April 29, 2021 / by Grant Gustke posted in Digital, Drive-Thru, Menu Boards, Hybrid, Static, Grant Gustke, Installation, Jean Jones


The Howard Company has many innovative solutions and a customer favorite is our outdoor digital menu board. It is named the ‘Flex,’ as it allows businesses to be flexible with their content in the drive-thru. While onsite, printed graphics and digital menu boards can easily be switched out in a short amount of time. The best part is that the drive-thru can remain open during installation!

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Why Are So Many Brands Showcasing Future Drive-Thru Designs?

March 9, 2021 / by Gary Kurtz posted in Drive-Thru, Restaurants, Gary Kurtz, Expert Insights


An intriguing public relations trend that many major restaurant chains have jumped on in the last few months is publishing images of their "drive-thru of the future." The renderings are sometimes flashy and futuristic, and the headlines tell the tale of 2020. But there is a lot more going on than what is indicated by the headlines. 

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